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Showing posts from August, 2017


Diseases I deal with daily: infectious and parasitic diseases neoplasms endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs mental disorders diseases of the nervous system diseases of the sense organs diseases of the circulatory system diseases of the respiratory system diseases of the digestive system diseases of the genitourinary system complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue congenital anomalies certain conditions originating in the perinatal period symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions injury and poisoning external causes of injury and supplemental classification
infectious and parasitic diseases Intestinal infectious diseases Salmonella gastroenteritis    Shigellosis Staphylococcal food poisoning Amoebiasis    Balantidiasis    Giardiasis  Coccidiosis Cryptosporidiosis    Enteritis due to Rotavirus    Enteritis due to other viral enteritis Tuberculosis Bacterial diseases Diphtheria Whooping cough Strep throat  Scarlet Fever  Erysipelas Meningococcal meningitis Tetanus Septicemia HIV infection Viral diseases accompanied by exanthe m Chickenpox Herpes zoster Herpes simplex  Eczema herpeticum  Genital herpes Herpetic gingivostomatitis Herpetic whitlow Measles  Rubella Fifth disease Roseola infantum Other diseases due to virus or chlamydiae Hepatitis A Hepatitis B   Hepatitis C Mumps Herpangina   Hand, foot, mouth disease Mononucleosis   Other diseases of conjunctiva due to viruses and Chlamydiae   Other diseases due to viruses and Chlamydiae   Molluscum contagiosum